Activities & Clubs

Art Club


Art Club is available at the elementary campus.  Please stay tuned for more information.  The club sponsor is Mr. Settje.

Drama Club


Please contact Mr. Settje or Mrs. Whitton for more information.


Garden Club


Garden Club is for students in 3rd through 5th grade. We meet rain or shine from August to October - and then April to May. For more information, please email Mr. Settje


Student Council


The student council is comprised of elected representatives from the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. Elections take place in late September. Weekly meetings are held. The student council is responsible for organizing movie nights, the Costume Ball, and putt-putt nights. They also help with Hippie Feel Good Day, the talent show, Valograms, and fundraisers for the Humane Society and Weld County Food Bank. For more information, please email Mrs. Willis or Mr. Settje.